Advanced Navigator Functions
Measuring Range and Bearing to Target from Vessel
To measure the range and/or bearing of a target or point from your vessels position, you need to place a VRM/EBL and move it so that it crosses the target or point for which you require the bearing or range. When you turn on a VRM/EBL, it is displayed in its
Note: If the VRMs
To access VRM/EBLs:
1.Click the VRM/EBL button on the Pathfinder Panel. The VRM/EBL buttons are displayed.
2.Click the button that corresponds with the action you want:
Click: | To: |
VRM/EBL On/Off | Display VRM/EBL in its |
| position/Remove the VRM/EBL |
| from the radar display. |
Edit VRM/EBL | Modify the selected |
| VRM/EBL combination. |
Edit VRM | Modify the selected VRM. |
Edit EBL | Modify the selected EBL. |
Databox On/Off | Display/Remove Databox. |
3.Click Databox On/Off to display range and bearing.