Internet Message Access Protocol. See IMAP Internet service providers. See ISPs Internet Sharing feature 116

Internet Sharing icon 117 invitations. See meeting requests IR port. See infrared port

ISP settings 341 ISPs 130, 132, 341 items on screen

accidentally activating 329 displaying 247 highlighting 57, 58 moving through 57 opening shortcut menus for 61 selecting or activating 59, 62

Items tab 319


Keep copies of sent items… check box 137 key index (networks) 193

Key index setting 193 keyboard

accessing alternate characters on 65 customizing 326–328

dialing from 76, 77, 79

entering information with 63, 64–66,328 entering passwords and 332 installing third-party applications and 373 locking 329

scrolling with 57

selecting menu items from 61 sending email and 145 setting key combinations for 324

keyboard backlight 63 keyboard settings 326–328keyboard specifications 397 Keyguard 328, 329 Keyguard Settings screen 329


LANs. See local area networks large files 374 Large/Small keys option 327 leading zeros 323

LED light 24, 30

Legacy Pocket Word files 263 lens (camera) 26

Letter Recognizer option 326 libraries (media) 231, 232 Library command 229, 230 Library screen 229, 230, 234 Library tab 234

lightning bolt icon 30 Li-Ion technology 378 See also battery

lines, moving to beginning and end of 58 linking to media libraries 231

links. See Web links list separators 323 Listen softkey 83 lists

closing 62 creating 268, 286 displaying 263, 264 formatting 267 highlighting items in 57, 59, 62




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