themes 318 third-party applications

5-way navigator and 56, 373 accessing Outlook folders and 363 backing up information and 350 compatibility with 296, 299, 349 freeing internal memory and 374 getting help with 299, 374 losing 350

purchasing 299 running 355 synchronizing with 44 taking pictures and 372 troubleshooting 373–374

third-party phone calls 17 throughput 188 Thumbnails button 215 time 333, 334

time formats 323

Time limit for videos option 223 time slots (calendar) 247, 249 Time tab 323

time zones 333, 334 timer 213

Timer command 213 TKIP encryption 193 Today screen

accessing 76

adding speed-dial buttons to 92, 94 adding Windows Live services to 166 changing color themes for 318 customizing 318

displaying maps on 240

features described 72–73retrieving voicemail from 83 searching Web pages from 179 selecting points of interest on 182, 183 setting backgrounds for 219 troubleshooting 367

viewing active calls on 85, 86, 89 viewing text messages on 160

Today Settings screen 318, 319 tones. See ringtones; sounds touchscreen. See screen touchscreen lockout 328, 329 touch-sensitive feature 328, 329 transferring information, caution for 348 transition effects (slides) 272 Transparency level options 219 travel adapters 344


activating 23, 36 charging 28, 30

compatibility with third-party vendors 296, 299, 349

components on 24–27components shipped with 22 connecting to PCs 42, 50–51disabling touch-sensitivity for 328 freeing space on 300, 374 getting help with 15

installing third-party applications and 373 locking 328, 330

losing 52, 332

not responding 373 operating 384, 385




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