If youwantto printa titlein
File as seen on computerscreen:
( (F) ) 7 [ (5 ) ) 3 Printer commands
( (F) ) O ( (S) ) @
Font commands ( (F ) ) lean be ( (F ) ) 4embedded
( (F ) ) 7anywhere ( (F ) ) ~ 1n a do~ument.
When you use these commandsthere are severalpointsto note:
●The font ((n) commandis ignoredif the CFGNT)buttonwas held down when power was switchedon.
. A line consistingof commandsaloneprints as a blank line.
●The softwarewillnotknowthatthesearecommands,so youcannottrust yoursoftwareto giveyouthe correctline width.The printedlinemaybe considerablyshorterthantheline on the screen;the extraspacebeingthe spacethat was occupiedby the commands.
Onewayto handlethelastproblemis to prepareyourdocumentwithoutthe commands,then insertthem as a final step, with the marginsreleased.The
If youdo notusethesecommandsor thepanelcontrols,theprinterwillprint