DefineNLQ downloadcharacters
Mode | ASCII |
| Decimal |
| Hexadecimal | |
| <ESC> “=” | nl | n2 | dVA~ | 27 61 n] | d | 21 | IB 3D n] | d 15 |
IBM | aO al | d | ml | aO al | d | ml | aO al | a2 ml | |
| m2 | ... m46 | m2 ... m46 | d | ... m46 |
Definesone or morenewNLQ charactersand storesthem in RAM for later use. EDS switch
Copy characterset from ROM into RAM
Mode | ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal |
Std. | <ESC> “:” <O> n <o> | 27 58 0 n | O IB 3A 00 n 00 |
Copies the selectedcharacterset with n, as shown below, to the correspondingdownload character RAM area, overwriting any downloaddata alreadypresent. Ignoredwhen EDS switch
n | Characterset | n | Characterset |
O | Courier | 4 | script |
1 | Sansenf | 7 | Orator |
Select downloadcharacterset
Mode ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal | ||||
<ESC> “~0” “l” | 27 | 37 | 49 | IB | 25 | 31 |
Std. | 27 | 37 | 1 | IB | 25 | 01 |
<ESC> %o” <1> |
Selectsthe downloadcharacterset. IgnoredwhenEDS
Shift downloadcharacterarea
Mode ASCIIDecimalHexadecimal
<ESC> | “t” | “2” | 27116 | 50 | IB | 74 | 32 |
Std. | “t” | <2> | 27116 | 2 |
<ESC> | IB | 74 | 02 |
Shiftsthe downloadcharacterareadefinedbetweenOto 127to the area between 128to 255.