Theseswitchesselectthe defaultprint pitch and the fontsas shownbelow.
NOTE: If youchangetheseswitchesafteryouhave storedthemacro,these settingswill overridethe macro setting.
LeavetheseswitchesONif you willbe using
PageLength | \ | ||
11inches | ON | ] | ON |
A4sizedpaper | ON |
| OFF |
8 inches | OFF |
| ON |
12inches | OFF |
| OFF |
If you selected Standard mode, do you want italic or graphic characters?
Move this switch OFF to print italicsin the Standardcharacterset. If you leave this switch in the ON position,in place of italics you will get the graphiccharactem,internationalcharacters,and mathematicalsymbolsof IBM characterset #2. See Chapter9,,charactercodes 128to 254.
If youselectedIBMmode,doyouwantIBMcharacterset#l or#2?
ON selectscharacterset #2, whichis for computerswith an