

The minimumwidthof a characteris five dots.

The user-definedcharactersmay use eightdots vertically.

Dots cannotoverlap— that is, youmay not have a dot insidea box next to one that is on a line.

. You may define any positionin the ASCII table.

PhotocopythegridinFigure5-2tohelpdesignyournewcharacters.Wewill use a tiny representationof a car-shapedsymbolfor our example.



Left spxc:

Lwt column:

mo = Descender x 128 + (Left x 16)

+ Last


Figure 5-2.Use this grid (or one similar to it) to define your own draft characters

Definingthe attributedata

Beforeyoustartthedefinition,you willneedto decideexactlywherein the regularASCIIsetyouwanttoplaceyourcharacters.Aftcrdownloading,you access your new character by sending the code for the character you replaced.

Next you must choose whetherto make the car symbol an ascenderor a descender.This determineshow the characteris seatedon the line:

Asce rider : ‘;:::.!:::

pe~ce ~der : :’:”l:,:::;:.:

Wedecidedthatourcar symbolwillnot be a “descender”,so a figure” 1“is writtennextto Descenderon thegrid.If yourcharacteris a descender,write a “O”next to Descender.


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Star Micronics LC-200 user manual Definingthe attributedata