Mode | ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal |
Both | <DC4> | ‘al | 14 |
Mode | ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal | ||||
std. | <ESC> “p” “l” | 27112 | 49 | IB | 70 | 31 | |
<ESC> “p” <1> | 27112 | 1 | IB | 70 | 01 | ||
| |||||||
IBM | <ESC>“P” <1> | 27 80 | 1 | IB | 50 | 01 |
Causessubsequentcharactersto be proportionallyspaced.Ignored if the (FiT5i7)buttonwas
Select fixed spacing
Model | ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal 1 | ||||
Std. | <ESC> “p” “O” | 27112 | 48 | IB | 70 | 30 | |
<ESC> “p” <o> | 27112 | 0 | IB | 70 | 00 | ||
| |||||||
IBM | <ESC>“P” <0> | 27 80 | 0 | IB | 50 | 00 |
Causes subsequentcharacten to be printed with fixed character
Select masterprint mode
Mode | ASCII |
| Decimal | Hexadecimal |
std. | ,,,!. | 27 33 n | 16 21 n | |
<ESC> . | n |
Selects a combinedprint mode accordingto the value of n. The valueof n is the sumof thevaluesgivenbelowfor the desiredchar- acteristics.