Thismanualis organizedintoninechapters.Tolearnhow to makethe best use of yourprinteryou areurgedto readthroughchapters1through3. The remainingchaptersmay be treated as a referenceguide for programming operations, etc. It assumes a degree of knowledgeof the operation of computers(forinstance,it assumesyouknowabouthexadecimalnumbers). The chaptemare as follows:

Chapter 1— Settingup the printer

This chapterexplainshowto getthe printerunpackedand setup. Readthis chapterbeforeyou do anythingelse.

Chapter 2 — Controlpaneloperations

There are a numberof controlson the front panel which performvarious functionsrelatedto paperhandling,printmodes and font selection.

After gettingset up, read this chapterandtry out the variousproceduresin it to find out how the printerworks.

Chapter 3 — Defaultsettings

Thischapterexplainshowto use theElectronicDIP Switch(EDS)modeto make systemsettingson the printer.

Chapter 4 — Printercontrolcommands

Thischapterexplainsthedifferentemulationsprovidedby yourprinter,and the softwarecommandsused to drive it. This sectionis of use if you are writingor modifyingprogramsto take advantageof the printer’sfeatures.

Chapter 5 — Downloadcharacters

This chapterexplainsthe proceduresto createyour own characters.

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Star Micronics LC-200 user manual HOW to USE this Manual