ONLINE button
The ( ON LINE ) button sets the printer on-lineand off-line.The status changeseach time you press the button.
Whentheprinteris on-line,it can receiveandprintdatafromthe computer. Whentheprinteris off-line,it stopsprintingandsendsthecomputera signal indicatingthat it cannotacceptdata.
The printerpowersup in the on-linestatusif paperis loaded.If paperis not loaded,the printerpowersup off-linewith the POWERindicatorflashing. When you load paper,the POWERindicatorstopsflashing,and the printer goes on-line.
You will want to press the C ON LINE ) button:
●Before and after any otherpaneloperation
The other panel buttons operate only in the off-line state. Press the ( ONLINE ) button to go off-line. After performing the panel operation(s),press the ( ONLINE ) buttonagainto go back on-line.
●To pause duringprinting
If you press the( ONLINE ) button during printing,the printer stops printingand goes off-line,allowingyou to checkthe printoutor change acontrolpanelsetting.Printingresumeswhenyoupressthe { ONLINE ) button againto go back on-line.
●To cut fanfoldforms at the end ofpnnting
Whenusingfanfoldforms,you can holdthe ( ONLINE ) buttondown for one second.In additionto going off-line,the printer also feeds the paperforwardapproximatelytwo inches.This allowsyouto cutit offjust belowthe last line printed.
Whenyou press the ( ONLINE ) buttonagainto go back on-line,the paper feedsbackwardstoppingwhereyou left off.
NOTE:This functionis valid only when the buffer is empty,
If you press this button whileoff-line,the paper will feed forward.If you ho~dthe button down, the printerwill performconsecutiveline feeds.