Performone n/216-inchreverseline feed
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
std. <ESC> “j” n27106 n 16 6A n
‘Doesnotchangethe line-spacingsetting.
Feedpaper nlines
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Std. <ESC> “f’ “l” n27102 49 nIB 66 31 n
<ESC> “f’ <1> n27102 1 n16 66 01 n
Feedsthepaper nlinesfrom thecurrentline, wherenis betweenO
and 127.
Set topof page at currentposition
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
IBM <ESC> “4” 27 52 16 34
Setsthe currentpositionasthe top-of-pageposition.Notethatthis
canalso be donefrom thecontrol panel.
Setpage length ton lines
Mode ‘ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Both <ESC> “C” n 27 67 n 16 43 n
Setsthe pagelengthto nlines in the currentlinespacing,where n
isbetween1and 127inStandardmodeor between1and64 inIBM
mode.Changingthe line spacinglater doesnot alter the physical
pagelength.The currentlinebecomesthe top of thepage.