DefineNLQ downloadcharacters
Model | ASCII |
| Decimal | Hexadecimal | ||||
| <EsC> | “&” <O> nl |
| 27 | 38 | 0 nl | IB | 26 00 | d |
Std. | n2 | aO al | a2 | d | aO al a2 | d | aO al a2 | ||
| ml d ... | m69 |
| ml d | ...m69 |
| ml d | ...m69 |
Definesone or morenewNLQ charactersand storesthemin RAM forlateruse.EDS
The dot density is doubled in each direction, so each character consistsof 18dotsverticallyand 23 dotshorizontallyand requires 69databytes.Sincetheverticaldefinitionofthecharacters 18dots, each byte representsa third of verticaldefinition.
For details,please refer to Chapter5.
Define draft downloadcharacters
Mode | ASCII |
| Decimal |
| Hexadecimal | |
| <ESC> | “=” nl | n2 | <DC4> | 27 61 nl | d 20 | IB 3D nl | n2 14 |
IBM | aO | al | a2 | ml | aO al | a2 ml | aO al | a2 mI |
| d | . mll | d | ... mll | d | ... mll |
Definesone or morenew draftcharactersand storesthemin RAM for later use. Draft modemust be selectedbefore this commandis executed.n] and n2 givethe numberof bytesof characterdatathat willfollow.aOisthecharactercodeof thefirstcharacterdefined.aZ anda2 are attributesbytes.ml to mll arethecharacterdata,andare the sameas in <ESG “&”.The attributebyte al indicateswhether thecharacters an ascender(notusingthelowestof theninevertical dots) or a descender(not usingthe highestdot) and whetherit has a downwardextensionto 12 dots.
The attributebytea2 gives
Charactersdefinedby thiscommandcan be selectedby <ESO “I”
4or cESC> “I” 5. This commandis ignored when EDS switch