If the print is faint,or uneven,checkthe following:
Check | Possibleremedy |
Is the ribbonproperlyin- | Checkandreinstallifnecessary. |
stalled? |
| I |
Is theribbonwornout? | Theribbonhasalonglife,butwilleventuallyneedre- | |
I | placingFitanew. ribboncartridgeifnecessary. |
If dots are missingin the printing,checkthe following:
| Possibleremedy |
Are dotsmkskg atrandom | Theribbonhasbecomeslack,causingittogetcaught |
in theprinting? | up.Stopprinting,removetheribboncartridge,reten. |
| sionandrer)laceit. |
| The print head is damaged. Stop printing, and contact |
| your supplier for a new print head. |
If your applicationsoftwarecannotprint the fonts or charactersselected, checkthe following:
Check | Possible remedv |
Is your applicationsoftware | |
properlyinstalled? | wareifnecessan. |
Arefontsnotbeingselected | Check the software installation and insert the com- |
properly? | mands nemssarv for font charwes into the software. |
Are charactersotherthan | Either you areusing the wrong International Character |
those expected being | Set (reset with EDS switches or software commands), |
printed? | or you have the wrong character set selected (for |
| example if characters other than IBM block graphic |
| characters are being printed). Correct this with EDS |
| switchesortheappropriatesoftwaresequences. |
If the printoutis not what is expected:
Istheprinterinstalledcor- rectly?
Is the printernot printing
anything that you are expect- ~g?
Possible remedy
Your software may think that it is driving a different emulation to the one actually set. Check the EDS set- tiruzsto make sure vou have the right emulation.
Use the Hex Dump mode to analyze the output from the computer to the printer. This will enable you to deter- mine that the right escape sequences, etc are being transmitted.