Set verticaltab stopseveryn lines
Mode ASCII |
| Decimal |
| Hexadecimal | ||||||
std. | <ESC> “e” “1” | n | 27101 | 49 | n | IB | 65 | 31 | n | |
<ESC>“e” <1> | n | 27101 | 1 | n | IB | 65 | 01 | n | ||
Cancelsallcurrentverticaltab stopsand setsnew tab stopsevery n lines, where n is between2 and 127.
Set verticaltab stops in channel
Mode | ASCII |
| Decimal | Hexadecimal |
Std. | <ESC> “b” nO | nl | 27 98 nO rd | IB 62 nO nl |
n2 | .,. <0> | d ... 0 | d . al |
Cancelsall currentverticaltab stops in channel nO,(where nOis betweenOand7) and setsnewverticaltab stopsin this channel.(A channel is a set of vertical tab stops selected by the <ESC> “/” command.)See <ESC>“B” for parametersnl, n2, ... <0>.
Select verticaltab channel
Mode | ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal |
Std. | <ESC> “r’ nO | 27 47 nO | IB 2F no |
Selectsa set of verticaltab stopsdesignatedby a channelnumber (nO)fromOto7.Thetabstopsineachchannelaresetby<ESC>’’b”.
Mode | ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal |
Both | <VT> | 11 | OB |
Feeds the paper to the next verticalLabstop and moves the print positiontotheleftmargin.Performsalinefeedif noverticaltabsare set, as at