Mode | ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal |
std. | <ESC> ‘1” nl n.2 | 27 92 nl n.2 | IB 5C nl d |
Movestheprintpositionrightorlefta specifieddistance(maximum 8inches).Ignoredif theresultingpositionis beyondtherightor left margin.The formulasfor the distanceand directionare as follows: If n2 is betweenOand 63,the printheadmovesrightby (TZI+ n2 x 256)/120inches.
If youwantto movetheprintheadto theleft,nl andn2areobtained by subtractingthe value from 65536,and dividingthe result into high and low bytes.
Absolutehorizontaltab in inches
Mode | ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal |
std. | ?ESC> “$” nl n2 | 27 36 nl d | IB 24 nl n2 |
Setsthenextprintpositionto (d + n2x 256)/60inchesfromtheleft margin on the currentline. Ignoredif this positionis beyond the right margin.The maximumpositionis 8 inches.
Absolutehorizontaltab in columns
Mode ASCII |
| Decimal |
| Hexadecimal | ||||
<ESC> | “f’ | “O” n | 27 102 | 48 | n | IB | 66 | 30 | n |
Std. | “f’ | <O> n | 27 102 | 0 | n |
sESC> | IB | 66 | 00 | n |
Moves the next print position to column n from the left margin, where n is betweenOand 127.