Definedraft downloadcharacters
Mode | ASCII |
| Decimal | Hexadecimal | ||||
| <ESC> “&” cO> nl |
| 27 | 38 | 0 nl | IB | 26 | 00 nl | |
std. | .n2 | mO ml | m2 | d | mO ml d | d | mO ml d | ||
| d | mll |
| d | mll |
| d | ... mll |
Definesone or morenew draftcharactersand storesthemin RAM forlateruse.
nl is the charactercodeof the first characterdefinedand n2 is the charactercodeof the last characterdefined.n] mustbe equalto or lessthann2.Useofcharactercodes32(space)and 127(deletecode) shouldbe avoidedif possible.
Eachcharacterisdefinedby anattributebyte(rnO)and 11databytes (ml, m2, ..... roll).
The most significantbit of the attributebyteis 1 if the characteris an ascender(positionedentirelyabovethe baseline)or Oif it is a descender(descendingbelowthe baseline).The attributebyte also indicatesthe amountof whitespaceto theleft of the character(Oto 7 dots, specifiedby bits4 to 6), and the widthof the charactercell, includingthis space(4 to 15dots,specifiedby bitsOto 3). The left spaceandcellwidthattributesareusedonlyinproportionalspacing. Eachdatabyteindicateseightverticaldots,withtheMSBbeingthe top dot and the LSB the bottomdot. Thesecorrespondto pins 1to 8 or 2 to 9 of the printhead,dependingon whetherthe characteris an ascenderor descender.
For furtherdetails,pleaserefer to the Chapter5.