Returnto top of currentpage
Mode | ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal |
std. | <ESC><FF> | 27 12 | IB OC |
Feeds the paper backwardto the top of the current page. Ignored when frictionfeed is used.
Mode | ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal |
Both | <ESC> “8” | 27 56 | IB 34 |
Causes the printer to disregard the signal sent by the
Mode | ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal |
Both | <ESC> “9” | 27 57 | IB 39 |
Causes the printer to stop printing before the end of the paper. Overridesthe settingof EDS
Set verticaltab stops
Mode | ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal |
Both | <ESC> “B” nl | nz ... <0> 2766 nl d | ... 0 IB 42nl ?z2 ... CO |
Cancelsallcurrentverticaltab stopsandsetsnew verticaltab stops at lines nl, n2, etc., where n], n2, etc. are numbersbetween 1 and
255.A maximumof 16verticaltab stopscan be set. The tab stops must be specifiedin ascendingorder; any violationof ascending orderterminatesthetabstoplist. Standardterminationisby the<0> controlcode.Theverticaltabstopsaresetintermsofthecurrentline spacingand do not move if the line spacingis changedlater.