Returnto top of currentpage
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
std. <ESC><FF> 27 12 IB OC
Feedsthe paperbackwardto the top of the current page.Ignored
whenfrictionfeed isused.
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Both <ESC> “8” 27 56 IB 34
Causesthe printer to disregardthe signal sent by the paper-out
detector,enablingprintingtothe bottomofthepaper.Overridesthe
settingof EDSswitch B-2.
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Both <ESC> “9” 27 57 IB 39
Causesthe printer to stop printing beforethe end of the paper.
Overridesthesettingof EDS switchB-2.
Set verticaltab stops
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Both <ESC> “B” nl nz ... <0> 2766nl d... 0IB 42 nl ?z2... CO
Cancelsallcurrentverticaltabstopsandsets newverticaltabstops
atlines nl, n2,etc., wheren], n2, etc. arenumbersbetween1and
255.Amaximumof 16verticaltab stopscan beset. Thetab stops
mustbe specified inascendingorder; any violationof ascending
spacinganddo notmove ifthe linespacingis changedlater.