Set left and right margins
Mode | ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal |
IBM | <ESC> “X” nl n2 | 27 88 nl n2 | IB 58 nl n2 |
Setstheleftmarginatcolumnnl andtherightmarginat columnn2. See the preceding commands for margin restrictions and other notes.
Mode | ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal |
Both | <CR> | 13 | OD |
Printsthe currentline and returnsthe next printpositionto the left margin.If EDS
Set automaticline feed
Mode | ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal |
IBM | <ESC> “5” <1> | 27 53 1 | IB 35 01 |
Causesthe printerto performboth a carriagereturn and line feed each time it receivesa <CR> code. This commandtakes priority over EDS
Cancelautomatic[ine feed
Mode | ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal |
IBM | <ESC> “5” <O> | 27 53 0 | IB 35 W |
Causestheprintertoperformonlya carnagereturnwhenit receives a <CR>code.This commandtakespriorityoverEDS
(Mode I | ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal |
IBothI | @S> | /8 | 108 | I |
Movesthe printpositionone columnto theleft. Ignoredif the print position is at the left margin. This command can be used to overstrikeor combinecharacters.