Chapter 6 — MS-DOSand your printer

Since the PC or PC-AT family of computersrunningunder MS-DOS is currentlythe most popular conf@ration of microcomputer,we have in- cludeda few hints and tips to help you use yourprinterwith such systems. SincevirtuallyallPCsaresoldwitha MicrosoftBASICinterpreter,wehave also included some hints, and a sample program in this language to demonstratethe capabilitiesof the printer.

Chapter 7 — Troubleshootingand maintenance

Thissectiongivesa checklistofpointsto checkif yourpnnteris notworking in the expectedway. It also includesdetailsof some routinemaintenance operationsyoucan carryoutyourself.It is not,however,a completeservice manual.Calla qualifiedserviceengineerif you areunsureof yourabilityto carry out any maintenanceor semicingoperations.

Chapter 8 — Specifications

This sectiongives the specificationsof your printer.

Chapter 9 — Charactersets

These charts showthe differentcharactersets available.

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Star Micronics LC-200 user manual