This feature is usefid for programmerswho are debuggingprinting pro- grams and want to see the actual codes the printer is receiving. (Some computerschangethe codesthe programmerintended.)
Inthismode,alldatareceivedwillbeprintedin a hexadecimaldumpformat, ratherthan the controlcodesbeing actedon as commandcodes.
This mode is accessedwith the followingprocedure:
1.While holding both the(PAPER FEED)and ( ‘EJMCT lbuttons down, turn power ON. A beep tone will be heard.
2.Begin printing.In place of the usual printoutyou will get a formatted dumpshowingexactlywhatdatatheprinterreceives.Eachlinepresents sixteencharacters,theirhexadecimalcodesto theleft andprintablechar- actersprintedon the right.
3.At the end of the hexadecimaldump, set the printer
<ON LINE ) button.This is necessaryto printthe last line.
The followingBASICprogramis a simpletest you can run in hexadecimal mode:
10FOR I =0 TO 255
20LPRINT CHR$ ( I ) ;
If your system passes the codes directly to the printer without changing