Self Declaration
Radio interference.regardingthis equipment has been eliminated accordingto Vfg 1046/1984 an- nounced by the DBP.
DBP has been informedof the introductionof this speciafequipmentandhas been grantedthe rightto examine the whole series.
It is the user’s responsibilityto see drathis own assembledsystemis in accordancewith the technieal regulationsunderVfg 1046/1984.
The eqniprtentmay only be opened by qualified service representatives.
The above statement applies only to printers marketed in West Germany.
Trademark Acknowledgements
Mi&oaoft BASIC,
●Alf rights resewed. Reproductionof any partof this manualin any form whatsoeverwidrout STAR’s expresspermissionis forbidden.
●The contentsof this manuafare subjeetto change wihot notice.
●All effortshave been made to ensuredreaccuracyof ke contentsof this manualat the time of press. However,shouldany errorsbe detected,STAR would greatlyappreciatebeing informed of them.
●llre above notwithstanding,STAR can assume no responsibilityfor any errorsin this manual.
@Copyright1990Star MicronicsCo., Ltd.