Thisprinterhas afullcomplementof features,makingit anexcellentpartner for a personalcomputer.It supportsthe IBM/Epsonprintercommandsand charactersets, enablingit to printjust about anythingyour computercan generate,bothtextandgraphics.Someofitsmainfeaturesarethefollowing:
Since it is compatiblewith the Epson and IBMprinters,it workswith any softwarethat supportsthoseprinters.That includesmost
. Easy operation
Clearlyunderstandableindicatordisplaysand beep tonesprovideimmedi- ate feedbackwhen you press the buttons on the control panel. The five buttons can operate in combinationsto perform a surprisingvariety of
. Easy care and maintenance
The ribbon cartridgecan be replaced in secondsthe print head in a few minutes.
●Versatilepaper handling
. Large variety of fonts and sizes