Thisprinterhas afullcomplementof features,makingit anexcellentpartner for a personalcomputer.It supportsthe IBM/Epsonprintercommandsand charactersets, enablingit to printjust about anythingyour computercan generate,bothtextandgraphics.Someofitsmainfeaturesarethefollowing:


Since it is compatiblewith the Epson and IBMprinters,it workswith any softwarethat supportsthoseprinters.That includesmost word-processing and graphicsprograms,spread-sheets,and integratedsoftwarepackages.

. Easy operation

Clearlyunderstandableindicatordisplaysand beep tonesprovideimmedi- ate feedbackwhen you press the buttons on the control panel. The five buttons can operate in combinationsto perform a surprisingvariety of functions,includingmicro-alignment.

. Easy care and maintenance

The ribbon cartridgecan be replaced in secondsthe print head in a few minutes.

Versatilepaper handling

Singlesheets,fanfoldforms,andmulti-partforms(upto quadruple-ply)are all accepted,and you can use either push/pulltractor or friction feed. A specialfeatureenablesyouto keep fanfoldformsparkedin readinesswhile printingon otherpaper.

. Large variety of fonts and sizes

Theprinterhasonedraftfont,oneHigh-SpeedDraftfontandfourNLQfonts (Courier,Sanserif,Oratorand Script),italicsfor all styles,plus condensed print, bold print, double-sizedprint, and quadruple-sizedprint.

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Star Micronics LC-200 user manual Features of the Printer