Enableprinting of all charactercodes
Mode | ASCII |
| Decimal | Hexadecimal |
IBM | cESC> ‘1” nl | n2 | 27 92 nl d | IB 5C nl d |
Enablesprintingof allcharactersintheIBMcharacterset,including those assignedto charactercodes which are normallyconsidered controlcodes.Thiscommandremainsin effectfor thenext n] + n2 x256 charactem,wherenl and n2 are numbersbetweenOand255. Duringthisintervalno controlfunctionsareexecuted.If a codewith no assignedcharacteris received,the printerprints a space.
Enable printing of all character codes on next character
Mode | ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal |
IBM | <ESC> “A“ | 27 94 | IB 5E |
This commandoperateslike <ES@ ‘A”except that it remains in effect for only one character.
Select slashzero
Mode ASCII |
| Decimal | Hexadecimal | |||||
std. | <ESC> “- “ “l” |
| 27126 | 49 | IB | 7E | 31 | |
<ESC> “ - “ <1> | ,. | 27126 | 1 | IB | 7E | 01 | ||
Causessubsequentzero charactersto be overprintedwith a slash
Select normalzero
Mode ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal | ||||
std. | <ESC> “- ““O” | 27126 | 48 | IB | 7!E 30 | |
<ESC> “ - “ cO> | 27126 | 0 | IB | 7E 00 | ||
Causes subsequentzero characters to be printed normally (0), withouta slash.