Enableprinting ofall character codes
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
IBM cESC> ‘1” nl n2 27 92 nl dIB 5C nl d
thoseassignedto character codeswhich arenormally considered
controlcodes.Thiscommandremainsineffectfor thenext n] +n2
x256 charactem,wherenl andn2are numbersbetweenOand255.
no assignedcharacterisreceived,the printerprints aspace.
Enable printing of all character codes on nextcharacter
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
IBM <ESC> A27 94 IB 5E
Thiscommand operateslike<ES@ ‘A”exceptthat it remains in
effectfor only onecharacter.
Selectslash zero
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
std. <ESC> “ - “ “l” 27126 49 IB 7E 31
<ESC> -<1> ,. 27126 1 IB 7E 01
Causessubsequentzero charactersto be overprintedwith aslash


Selectnormal zero
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
std. <ESC> “ - “ “O” 27126 48 IB 7!E30
<ESC> -cO> 27126 0 IB 7E 00
Causes subsequentzero characters to be printednormally (0),