Print quadruple-density8-bitgraphics
Mode ASCII |
| Decimal |
| Hexadecimal | |||
Both | <ESC> “Z” nl | n2 | 27 90 d | d | IB 5A nl | n2 | |
ml | m2 . . . | ml | m2 . . . | ml | k? . . . | ||
Mode ASCII |
| Decimal | Hexadecimal | |||
<ESC> “*” | nO nl |
| 27 | 42 nO nl | IB | 2A no | n] |
Std. | ml d | ... | d | ml d ... | d | ml | ni? . |
?i? |
Selectsone of eightgraphicsmodesdependingon the valueof M and prints
M | Graphicsmode |
O | (60 dots per inch) | |
1 | (120 dots per inch) | |
2 | (120 dots per inch) | |
3 | (240 dots per inch) | |
4 | CRTgraphics,mode I | (80 dots per inch) |
5 | Plottergraphics | (72 dots per inch) |
6 | CRT graphics,mode H | (90 dots per inch) |
7 |
IModel | ASCII | \ | Decimal | I Hexadecimal | I |
I Std. I | <ESC> “?” n m | I | 27 63 n m | I IB 3F n m | I |
Convertsgraphicsdefinedby subsequent<ESC>“K”,<ESC>“L”, <ESC>“Y”or<ESC>“Z”commandsto a densitymodedefinedby <ESC>“*”. n is “K”, “L“, “Y” or “Z”, indicatingthe mode to be converted.mis a codefrom<0>to <7>indicatingoneof themodes of <ESC>“*”.