8VBoxManage reference
•--floppy disabledempty<uuid><filename>host:<drive>: This is the floppy equivalent to the --dvd option described above. disabled completely disables the floppy controller, whereas empty keeps the floppy con- troller enabled, but without a media inserted.
8.5.3 Networking settings
The following networking settings are available through VBoxManage modifyvm:
•--nic<1-N> nonenullnatbridgedintnethostonly: With this, you can set, for each of the VM’s virtual network cards, what type of net- working should be available. They can be not present (none), not connected to the host (null), use network address translation (nat), bridged networking (bridged) or communicate with other virtual machines using internal network- ing (intnet) or host-only networking (hostonly). These options correspond to the modes which are described in detail in chapter 6.2, Introduction to net- working modes, page 83.
•--nictype<1-N> Am79C970AAm79C97382540EM: This allows you, for each of the VM’s virtual network cards, to specify which networking hardware VirtualBox presents to the guest; see chapter 6.1, Virtual networking hardware, page 82.
•--cableconnected<1-N> onoff: This allows you to temporarily discon- nect a virtual network interface, as if a network cable had been pulled from a real network card. This might be useful for resetting certain software compo- nents in the VM.
•With the “nictrace” options, you can optionally trace network traffic by dumping it to a file, for debugging purposes.
With --nictrace<1-N> onoff, you can enable network tracing for a par- ticular virtual network card.
If enabled, you must specify with --nictracefile<1-N> <filename> what file the trace should be logged to.
•--bridgeadapter<1-N> none<devicename>: If bridged networking has been enabled for a virtual network card (see the --nic option above; otherwise this setting has no effect), use this option to specify which host interface the given virtual network interface will use. For details, please see chapter 6.5, Bridged networking, page 86.
•--hostonlyadapter<1-N> none<devicename>: If host-only networking has been enabled for a virtual network card (see the –nic option above; otherwise this setting has no effect), use this option to specify which host-only networking interface the given virtual network interface will use. For details, please see chapter 6.7, Host-only networking, page 89.