8VBoxManage reference
8.18VBoxManage addiscsidisk
The addiscsidisk command attaches an iSCSI network storage unit to VirtualBox. The iSCSI target can then be made available to and used by a virtual machine as though it were a standard
This command has the following syntax:
VBoxManage addiscsidisk
where the parameters mean:
server The host name or IP address of the iSCSI target.
target Target name string. This is determined by the iSCSI target and used to identify the storage resource.
port TCP/IP port number of the iSCSI service on the target (optional).
lun Logical Unit Number of the target resource (optional). Often, this value is zero.
username, password Username and password for target authentication, if required (optional).
Note: Currently, username and password are stored without encryption (i.e. in cleartext) in the machine configuration file.
type Defines what kind of hard disk type this image should be.
comment Any description that you want to have stored with this item (optional; e.g. “Big storage server downstairs”). This is stored internally only and not needed for operation.
intnet Connect to the iSCSI target via Internal Networking. This needs further con- figuration which is described in chapter 5.5.1, Access iSCSI targets via Internal Networking, page 80.