9 Advanced topics
9.1 VirtualBox configuration data
For each system user, VirtualBox stores configuration data in the user’s home directory, as per the conventions of the host operating system:
•On Windows, this is %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\.VirtualBox; typically something like C:\Documents and Settings\Username\.VirtualBox.
•On Mac OS X, this is $HOME/Library/VirtualBox.
VirtualBox creates this configuration directory automatically, if necessary. Op- tionally, you can supply an alternate configuration directory by setting the VBOX_USER_HOME environment variable.
VirtualBox stores all its global and
In the configuration directory, VirtualBox.xml is the main configuration file. This includes global configuration options and the media and virtual machine reg- istry. The media registry links to all CD/DVD, floppy and disk images that have been added to the Virtual Disk Manager. For each registered VM, there is one entry which points to the VM configuration file, also in XML format.
You can globally change some of the locations where VirtualBox keeps extra config- uration and data by selecting “Global settings” from the “File” menu in the VirtualBox main window. Then, in the window that pops up, click on the “General” tab.
•Virtual machine settings and files are, by default, saved as XML files in a subdi- rectory of the .VirtualBox/Machines directory. You can change the location of this main “Machines” folder in the “Global settings” dialog.
By default, for each virtual machine, VirtualBox uses another subdirectory of the “Machines” directory that carries the same name as the virtual ma- chine. As a result, your virtual machine names must conform to the con- ventions of your operating system for valid file names. For example, a