Grey Headline (continued)
Command Reference - xConfiguration
Traversal Server STUN Discovery Port: <1024..65534>
Specifies the port to be used for STUN discovery services.
Default: 3478
Example: xConfiguration Traversal Server STUN Discovery Port: 4678
Traversal Server STUN Relay Media Port End: <1024..65534>
Specifies the upper port in the range to be used for STUN media relay.
Default: 61200
Example: xConfiguration Traversal Server STUN Relay Media Port End: 61200
Traversal Server STUN Relay Media Port Start: <1024..65534>
Specifies the lower port in the range to be used for STUN media relay.
Default: 60000
Example: xConfiguration Traversal Server STUN Relay Media Port Start: 60000
Traversal Server STUN Relay Mode: <On/Off>
Determines whether the VCS will offer STUN relay services to traversal clients.
Default: On
Example: xConfiguration Traversal Server STUN Relay Mode: On
Traversal Server STUN Relay Port: <1024..65534>
Specifies the listening port for STUN relay requests.
Default: 4678
Example: Traversal Server STUN Relay Port: 4678
Zones LocalZone DefaultSubZone Bandwidth PerCall Inter Limit: <1..100000000>
Specifies the bandwidth limit (in kbps) for any one call to or from an endpoint in the Default Subzone (applies only if Mode is set to Limited).
Default: 1920
Example: xConfiguration Zones LocalZone DefaultSubZone Bandwidth PerCall Inter Limit: 1920
Zones LocalZone DefaultSubZone Bandwidth PerCall Inter Mode: <Limited/Unlimited/NoBandwidth>
Determines whether there is a limit on the bandwidth for any one call to or from an endpoint in the Default Subzone.
NoBandwidth: no bandwidth available. No calls can be made to or from the Default Subzone.
Default: Unlimited
Example: xConfiguration Zones LocalZone DefaultSubZone Bandwidth PerCall Inter Mode: Limited
Zones LocalZone DefaultSubZone Bandwidth PerCall Intra Limit: <1..100000000>
Specifies the bandwidth limit (in kbps) for any one call between two endpoints within the Default Subzone (applies only if Mode is set to Limited). Default: 1920
Example: xConfiguration Zones LocalZone DefaultSubZone Bandwidth PerCall Intra Limit: 1920
Introduction | Getting Started |
| Overview and |
| System |
| VCS |
| Zones and |
| Call |
| Bandwidth |
| Firewall |
| Maintenance | Appendices |
| Status |
| Configuration |
| Configuration |
| Neighbors |
| Processing |
| Control |
| Traversal |
| ||||
| |||||||
D14049.03 |
| 205 |
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MAY 2008 |