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2-54 AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
Figure 2-33: The Select File list
4. Push the Drive... side menu button.
The Select Drive dialog box appears at the c orner of the screen and the Drive...
side menu also appears. Note that the knob icon appears in th e dialog box. This
means that you can use the general purpose knob to s elect a dr i v e from t he li st.
5. Turn the general purpose knob or use the na vigatio n arro w but tons to highli ght
the word Floppy and then push the OK side button.
The dialog box now lists the files on the sample waveform floppy disk.
Load a Sample Waveform Do the following steps to load a sample waveform:
1. Turn the general purpose knob to select LIN_SWP.WFM from the file listing in
the dialog box.
2. Push the OK side menu button, and wait until the LED of the flopp y disk dri v e
goes off.
This operation loads the selected waveform file into the instrument waveform
memory. Confirm that 8000 is displayed in the Points: displ ay field at the lo wer left
of the screen and that LIN_SWP .WFM is displ ayed in the WFM File: display f ield.