The Pattern Editor
AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual 3-89
Code Conversion Table When you push the Edit... side bu tton, the code co n versi on table appea rs as sho wn
in Figure 3-19. Each code conversion table d efines t he template pattern that is u sed
for pattern matching with the source code. Use the Edit... side button to create a
new code conversion table. Alternatively, use the Open... side button to read an
existing code conversion table.
Figure 3-19: Code conversion table
Table3-25: Code conversion commands
Commands Description
Open... Reads an existing code conversion table.
Save... Saves a code conversion table that was newly created or edited.
It is saved in an ASCII file and the cells are separated by commas.
Edit... Creates or edits a code conversion table.
Table3-26: Code conversion parameters
Parameters Description
Past Source Corresponds to the previous source data, which is to the left of the current
noticed point. You can view up to eight points of past data.
Current Source Shows the source data you are currently looking up. You may specify up to 16
points, starting in the noticed point.
Next Source Specifies the source pattern that is fur ther to the right of the portion read with
Current Source. You can look at up to eight points of data.