Synchronous Operation Mode (AWG710B only)
3-256 AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
Trigger Timing Calibration
This calibration makes the skew to a trigger signal regularity. When making
connection between Master and Slave, AWG710B is always performing this
calibration automatically.When temperat ure change arises while in use, it c an
perform if needed. It can perform only where connection with Sl a v e i s es tabli shed.
1. Connect the LAN cables and SMA cables.
2. Power the two AWG710B on, and set the each AWG710B as Master and
3. Push Connect (bottom) !Connect to Slave (side) button to establish
connection with Slave. The Execute Trigger Timing Calibration (side)
button will become effective if connection is established.
4. Push Connect (bottom) !Execute Trigger Timing Calibration (side ) button
to execute the trigger timing calibration.
Connection \failed. Verify the instrument settings:
- Network cable is properly connected.
-Slave IP Address entered correctly.
-Slave unit is configured as Sync-Slave.
If the problem still exists, power the instrument off and then
back on, for Master and Slave.
It is displayed when connection with Slave is not made normally. The following
cause can be considered.
It was going to connect with an instrument other than AWG710B.
An instrument which it is going to connect is not Sync-Slav e mode.
Although the AWG710B which it is going to connect is Sync-Slave
mode, it has already connected with other AWG710B.
The IP address of slave instrument is incorrect.
Slave AWG710B has not started yet.
The LAN cable is not connected.
The LAN cable was connected after the AWG710B was powered
Synchronous Operation is not supported between
different models of AWG.
It is displayed when it is going to connect with an instrument other than
Trigger Timing Calibration failed.(Master) / (Slave)
Check SMA cable connections.
It is the error which takes place at the time of a connection start with Slave, or
a Trigger Timing CAL start. It is displayed when the SMA cable of Master or
Slave is not connected correctly.
Trigger Timing Calibration failed. (Communication) It is displayed when communication with slave cannot be taken with network
obstacles (the cable unplugged) during calibration execution.
Table3-59: Error/Warning messages
Message Description