Appendix B: Performance Verification (AWG710B)
B-44 AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
a. Verify that the waveform displayed on the oscilloscope has th e same
amplitude as shown in Figure B-29.
Figure B-29: Initial waveform output
b. Close SW5 of the ground closure to generate an event signal on the
EVENT IN connector strobe pin.
c. Verify that the osci lloscope displays t he DC wa v eform a s sho wn in Figur e
Figure B-30: DC waveform output when the SW5 is closed
d. Open SW5 of the ground closure to degenerate the strobe signal on the
EVENT IN connector strobe pin.
e. Verify that the DC waveform is displayed on the oscilloscope.