Quick Editing
AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual 3-101
When you cancel the changes and quit the quick editor, the instrument copies the
data in the undo buffer back to the edit buffer (and also to the waveform memory
if the data is being loaded), and then terminate the quick editor.
About Smoothing
Quick Edit performs expand, shrink, or shift the cursor–to–cursor data.
Consequently, if nothing is processed, a gap may be produced bet ween the changed
and unchanged portions. To link the entir e dat a smooth ly, smoothing is performed.
Cursor–to–cursor points move in response to turning the general purpose knob.
Also for the unchanged portions, the smoothing moves the positions so that the
entire data is linked smoothly . This occur s thro ugho ut the range speci f ied wi th the
Smoothing Points side menu. The amount of shift is calculated inte rnally to enabl e
a smooth link and to minimize the effect on the unchanged portions. The
calculation uses a cubic polynomial for the horizontal amount and sine for the
vertical amount.
The value of the points mentioned above are usually nonintegers. That is, the
resulting horizontal coordinates of the points are not integers. The values at the
coordinates (integers) on the horizontal axis of the wa v eform data ar e sequenti ally
obtained using the interpolation you specified with the Interpolate side menu.
Quick Controls
To enable the Quick Edit mode, press the QUICK EDIT front–panel button, as
shown in Figure 3-25.
Figure 3-25: Controls for quick editing