AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual A-1
Appendix A: Specifications (AWG710B)
This section contains the AWG710B Arbitrary W a veform Generator specif ications.
All specifications are guaranteed unless labeled “typical”. Typical specifications
are provided for your convenience but are not guaranteed.
Specifications that are marked with the n symbol in the column Characteristics
are checked in Appendix B: Performance Verification and the page number
referenced to the corresponding performance veri fi cation p rocedures can be f ound
in the column PV reference page.
The characteristics in the specifications are listed in tables that are divided into
categories. In these tables, the subcate gories may a lso appear in boldfa ce under the
column Characteristics.
Performance Conditions The performance limits in this specification are valid with these conditions:
The AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator must have been
calibrated/adjusted at an ambien t temperature between +20° C and +30° C.
The AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator must be in an environment
with temperature, altitude, humidity, and v ibr at io n wit hi n t he operating limits
described in these specifications.
The AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator must have had a warm–up
period of at least 20 minutes.
The AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator must be operating at an
ambient temperature between +10° C and +40° C.
Warranted characteristics are described in terms o f quantifiable performance limits
which are warranted.