File Management
AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual 3-231
When you display the double windows, the Select side button will be available.
Push the Select side button to select Upper for file operation in the upper file list
window. Push the Select side button again to select Lower for file operation in th e
lower file list window.
Operation in DoubleWindows
The most useful functions to be used in the double windows may be those invoked
from the File bottom button. Th e functions available in the File b ottom button are
described in Table 3-52.
In copy or move operation, when the files w ith the same file name exist in the
destination, the message O verwrite existing file? appears. At the s a me time, the
Cancel, No, Yes to Al l, and Ye s side buttons appear. Press any of these side
buttons to proceed.
Table3-52: File operation in double windows
Operation Description
Copy Copies a file from a selected file list window into the destination specified
in the other file list window.
You cannot select the directory.
Copy All Copies all files in a selected file list window into the destination specified in
the other file list window.
You cannot copy the directory or directory structure.
Move Moves a file selected in a selected file list window into the destination
specified in the other file list window.
You cannot select the directory.
Move All Moves all files in a selected file list window into the destination specified in
the other file list window.
You cannot move the directory or directory structure.
NOTE. You cannot use the Rename, Delete, Delete All, and Attribute side buttons
unless you display the single file list window.