Command Descriptions
3-202 AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
Math Operators
Table 3-48 lists the programmi ng languag e math oper ators t hat you ca n use as pa rt
of waveform equation expressions.
The operator priorities are as follows, star ting with hi gher prior ity a t the t op of the
list. Operators on the same line have equal priority.
- (unary), + (unary)
*, /
=, <>, >, >=, <, <=
and, or
Table3-48: Math operators
Operators Description
Unary Arithmetic Operations
- Inverts the sign.
+ Does nothing.
Binary Operations
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
^ Exponentiation
Binary Relational Operations
= If both side values are equal, 1 results. Otherwise, 0 results.
<> If both side values are not equal, 1 results. Otherwise, 0 results.
> If the left side value is larger than the right side value, 1 results.
Otherwise, 0 results.
>= If the left side value is larger than or equal to the right side value, 1 results.
Otherwise, 0 results.
< If the left side value is smaller than the right side value, 1 results.
Otherwise, 0 results.
<= If the left side value is smaller than or equal to the right side value, 1
results. Otherwise, 0 results.
Binary Conditional Operator
and If both side values are not 0, 1 results. Otherwise 0 results.
or If both side values are 0, 0 results. Otherwise 1 results.