Tutori als
2-64 AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
Edit a Waveform You can only edit the waveform within the area between the two vertical cursors.
You can move the ac tiv e cursor (current ly–selected v ertical c ursor) horizonta lly by
turning the general purpose knob or by entering a numeric position with the
front–panel keypad.
Select between the active cursors by pushing the TOGGLE front–panel button
(located near the general purpose knob). The acti ve cur sor is re presented by a solid
vertical line, and the inactive cursor by a vertic al dashed line.
The current cursor positions are displayed in t he L and R fi elds i n the uppe r part of
the editor. By default, the left cursor is position ed in the left–most position of the
editor screen. The right cursor is positioned in the right–most position of the editor
Figure 2-40: Waveform in the waveform editor
Do the following steps to specify the edit region (area between the cursors) using
the cursors:
1. Confirm that the left cursor is active by checking the following:
The L field is highlighted.
The left cursor is a solid line.
The right cursor is a dashed line.
If the left cursor is not active, push the TOGGLE button on the front panel.