The Pattern Editor
3-90 AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
Operations in the dialog box can b e made as follows:
A pattern must have been defined in at least one cell within a line conditions
segment on one line.
The number of points in a cell may be optional, unless i t exceeds the maximum
number of points. Any blank cell is ignored during pattern matching.
Each cell must be a pattern of 0s, 1s, and/or don’t care (minus) signs.
The maximum definable number of lines is 1024 lines.
Code ConversionMechanism
The following information explains the code conversion mechanism:
Initial state: The left end of source data is defined as the noticed point. Past
Source and Output Code data are regarded as all 0 data.
The left and right patterns to the noticed point ar e compared with the individual
lines of the conditions segment in the conversion tabl e. The comparison is from
the top to the bottom to find identical lines. If suc h line s are f ound, t he Output
Code data defined in the line is added to the output data.
The noticed point shifts to the right. The amount o f shift corresponds to the size
of the Current Source data that was found to identical in the source d ata. The
new noticed point is defined there.
The above compare process for the individual lines is repeated for the new
noticed point.
An error is caused if there are no identical lines found during the compare
Refer to Appendix F:Code Conversion for code conversion examples.
Past Output The por tion in which you view the output data that was output first. You can view
up to eight points of the conversion result of the past output.
Output Code Writes the resulting data of conversion that is output when all the above four
conditions are satisfied. You may specify 16 points of data.
If all conditions from Past Source to Past Output are satisfied in the conditions
portion, Output Code will be output.
Past Source, Current Source, Next Source, and Past Output are defined as
conditions segments, and Output Code as the output segment.
Table3-26: Code conversion parameters (cont.)
Parameters Description