The Setup Menu Screen
3-36 AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
The Waveform/Sequence Menu
The Waveform/Sequence menu is used for loading, viewing, and editing waveform
Load... The Load... button lets you load a waveform, pattern, or sequence file to output.
Do the following steps to load a file:
1. Push SETUP (front)!Waveform/Sequence (bottom)!Load... (side).
2. Select a waveform file, pattern file or sequence from the file listing in the
Select File dialog box that appears on the screen.
3. Push the OK side button.
Waveform and Pattern File Restrictions. The following list describes some
restrictions regarding the loading of waveform and pattern files.
The waveform and pattern files can be loaded from different drives and/or
If you try to load a file that is larger than th e available waveform memory, or
that is not a waveform, sequence or pattern f ormat fi le, the inst rument disp lays
the following error message and clears the waveform memory:
Illegal file format
A valid waveform, sequence, or pattern file needs to be loaded.
Sequence Files. The following list describes some restrictions on loading sequence
When sequence file loading fails, the instr ument clears loaded output file
names and waveform memory.
Sequence file loading fails if any one of the following conditions are true:
There is a null character (“ ”) in th e CH1 file name field of the sequence
The instrument cannot locate the waveform, pattern, or subsequence file
specified in the sequence table. All waveform, pattern, and subsequence
files must be at the same location and the instrument driv e and path settings
must point to that location.
There are too many lines in the sequen ce table. The maximum number of
lines is 8000.
There is more than one nesting level of subsequence files. The maximum
nesting level is one.
The sequence calls itself.