The Pattern Editor
3-98 AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
If necessary, you can change the pattern valu e by moving the curs or with the a
or ' button and then using numeric keys and the key.
5. Push the OK side button to generate the Pattern field pattern between the
cursors in the area specified in Target.
A pattern is generated in the cursor–to–cursor area you specified in Targ et .
Numeric Input... The Numeric Input... co mmand enables you to set the patter n data located in the
current active cursor position by using the numeric b uttons. The mark er v alues can
also be set.
1. Move the cursor to the point where you want to set a value.
2. Push Operation (bottom)!Numeric Input... (pop–up)!OK (side).
3. The current values are displayed in the Data, Marker1, and Marker2 side
menus. In this condition, you can change the position setting by moving the
4. Push the Data side button, then set the pattern data value using the general
purpose knob or numeric keys.
5. Push the Marker1 or Marker2 to toggle between the marker values.
NOTE. The value modified through the side menu are immediately r efl ec te d in t he
data. Push Undo! to cause the value to return to the previous value.