Appendix D: Sample Waveforms
D-10 AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User ManualTableD-17: Isolated pulse for disk application
File name E2PR4.EQU Made with equation editor
Equation ’E2PR4 Pulse
spcell = 10 ’Samples/Cell
cperiod = 10e-9 ’Cell Period [sec]
ncells = 20 ’Number of Cells
clock = spcell/cperiod ’Samples/Cell / Cell Period [Hz]
size = spcell*ncells ’Samples/Cell * Number of Cells
k0 = ncells*pi ’Number of Cells * PI
k1 = 0.5
a = pi*3/32
E2PR4.WFM = a * (sinc(k0*(scale-k1)) +
3*sinc(k0*(scale-k1)+pi) +
3*sinc(k0*(scale-k1)+2*pi) +
sinc(k0*(scale-k1)+3*pi) )
Descriptions This is the isolated pulse for the E2PR4. This sample equation
makes the E2PR4.WFM waveform with 200 waveform points
(Samples/Cell × Number of Cells).
TableD-18: Isolated pulse for network application
File name E1.WFM Made with waveform editor
Descriptions This is the isolated pulse for the ITU-T E1. The number of waveform
points is 84.
This isolated pulse is applied to ITU-T E2, ITU-T E3, and T1.102