Operating Basics
2-30 AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
Cursors and Editing The edit window cursors define the data affected by all edit operations except the
Tools menu commands. Most of the edit commands af fect the data located bet ween
the left and right cursor positions. This region is called the edit area or scope.
Figure 2-22 shows an example of an edit area. In this example, all data is located
from left cursor position 300 to right cursor position 779.
Other edit operations use the active (sele c ted) cursor position for insertin g
waveform data. The active cursor is shown as a solid vertical line. The inactive
cursor is shown as a dashed vertical line.
Figure 2-22: Cursors and edit area
When you edit a waveform, you must first specify the edit area or a single cursor
position, depending on the operation you want to do. To select the active cursor,
push the TOGGLE front–panel button to switch between the left and right curs or .
To move a cursor, turn the general purpose knob, use the left or right arrow keys,
or use the keypad or keyboard to enter a position in the cursor position field. The
cursor position field is active when the corresponding cursor is active.
Left cursor, (active)
Edit area
Left cursor, 300
position (active)
Right cursor, 779