AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual Index-7
performance verification, B-19, B-72
button, 2-2, 2-3
switch, 1-14, 1-15
Open command, 3-58
opening multiple edit windows, 2-32
opening the Equation editor, 3-110
opening the Sequence editor, 3-117
opening the SETUP screen, 2-34
opening the Setup window, 3-33
opening the Table editor, 3-105
operating environment, 1-10
Operating mode tests
performance verification, B-13, B-66
Operation menu button, 3-59, 3-87
Operators, math, 3-202
Option 01 (32MB words memory), 1-8
Option 02 (High Bandwidth output ), 1-8
Option 10 (78 Mb flash disk), 1-8
Option 1R (rackmounting), 1-8
Option D1 (test result report), 1-8, 1-9
optional accessories, 1-6
Optional parameters
Ethernet, 3-166
options, 1-8
output parameters, setting, 2-38
outputting a signal, 3-51
panel lock LED, 2-3
GPIB, 3-160
paste, 3-113
Paste (Insert) command, 3-61
Paste (Replace) command, 3-61
paste line, Sequence editor, 3-121
Pattern editor, 3-86
creating a pattern, 3-94
creating counter patterns, 3-95
default values, 3-94
edit area, 3-93
importing data from a file, 3-96
Selecting data to edit, 3-92
Pattern field, 3-97
pattern loading restrictions, 3-36
Pattern to Waveform
File Conversion, 3-221
Performance verification
1/4 clock frequency tests, B-48, B-98
10 MHz reference input tests, B-98
amplitude tests (direct DA out), B-81
amplitude tests (direct DA out), (except option 02),
Amplitude tests (normal out), B-19
amplitude tests (normal out), B-72
Amplitude tests (option 02), B-27
enhanced mode tests, B-37, B-91
equipment required, B-7, B-61
Event input and Enhanced mode tests, B-37
event input tests, B-91
External Clock input and VCO Output tests, B-46
floppy disk, B-11, B-64
loading files, B-9, B-62
marker output tests, B-50, B-100
offset tests (direct DA out), B-27, B-81
offset tests (direct DA out), (except option 02), B-23,
offset tests (normal out), B-19, B-72
operating mode tests, B-13, B-66
prerequisites, B-7, B-61
Pulse response tests, B-31
pulse response tests, B-85
purpose, B-1, B-55
rise time tests (direct DA out), B-27, B-81
rise time tests (direct DA out), (except option 02),
B-23, B-77
Synchronous operation tests, B-52
test items, B-6, B-60
Trigger input tests, B-33
trigger input tests, B-87
VCO OUT and 10 MHz reference input tests, B-48
Performance verificationAmplitude tests (direct DA
out), (except option 02), B-23
pi, 3-205
Pin assignments
EVENT IN connector, B-9, B-62
pn( ), 3-203
network application, 3-144, 3-151
network application, 3-144, 3-151
point( ), 3-205
Polarity menu button, 3-47
popup menu, 2-10
pow( ), 3-201
power connector, 2-6, 2-7
power cord identification, 1-12
power cord options, 1-5
power cord, connecting, 1-11
power off, 1-15
power On, 1-14
power supply fuse holder, 2-6, 2-7
poweron diagnostics, 1-15, 3-174
inspect interior, C-2
Procedures for setups
GPIB, 3-160
product description, 1-1
Programming language
abs( ), 3-200, 3-205
acos( ), 3-200
asin( ), 3-200
atan( ), 3-200
bpf( ), 3-189
brf( ), 3-190
ceil( ), 3-200
clock, 3-205