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3-146 AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
Generating Waveform The network test reading waveform is generated based on the input data, isolated
pulse, and superpose parameters. To generate a waveform, press the Execute side
The clock frequency is the same as the bi t r ate is set in the Marker 1. When the
sample rate is 1, the clock frequency that is hal f the b it ra te is set in Ma rk er 1. Th e
input data is set in Marker 2.
Saving to File You can save the generated waveform to a file. If the waveform length does not
satisfy the instrument waveform file length con v entions, the inst rument re peats the
data several times and regenerates the waveform to create a valid file.
D2 NRZ 143.1800 Mbps 1 143.180 MS/s
D1 NRZ 270.0000 Mbps 1 270.000 MS/s
Table3-40: Network parameters
Standard Line code Bit rate Samples/
NOTE. The clock attribute of a generated waveform is the one defined in the