The Setup Menu Screen
3-50 AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
The Extended Operation Menu
The Extended Operation is the menu which selects FG mode, Waveform Mixing
mode, and Synchronous Operation mode from the usual AWG mode.
FG mode Although a standard function waveform can also be outputted as an arbitrary
waveform using the standard function wavefor m in a waveform editor, FG mode
which can output a waveform with the same feeling as usual function generator
more easily is prepared.
In FG mode, you can output a standard function waveform simply only by setti ng
up fundamental parameters, such as frequency, amplitude, and offset. Refer to the
FG mode on page 3-233.
Waveform Mixing mode This mode lets you generate and output the waveform which mixed two
waveforms. After you specify two waveform files and mixing ratios to mix, the
AWG710&AWG710B generates and outputs a waveform. The generated mixed
waveform can be saved as a waveform file. Refer to the Waveform Mixing mode
on page 3-241.
Synchronous Operation

mode (AWG710B only)

The setup screen in the Synchronous Operation mode which per forms synchronous
operation using two units of the AWG710B is displayed.
Selection of the Sync-Master lets the AWG710B operates as a Master unit.
Selection of the Sync-Slave lets the AWG710B operates as a Slave unit.
Refer to the Synchronous Operation mode on page Figure on page 3-249 .