The Setup Menu Screen
AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual 3-49
Save Setup This button lets you save the current instrument settings of both AWG mode and
Extended operation mode to a file. The inst rument appends the extension .set to the
file name. Do the following steps to save the instrum ent output setup parameters to
a file:
1. Push SETUP (front)!Save/Restore (bottom)! Save Setup (side).
The instrument displays the Select Setup Filename dialog box.
2. Use the general purpose knob or the keyboard to enter a file name.
3. Push the Drive... side button if you need to save the setup file to a location
other than the current drive.
The setup file must be saved in the same l ocation whe re the w a vefo rm, patt ern
and/or sequence files currently loaded in the memory are stored.
4. Push the OK side button to close the dialog box and save the setup file.
Restore Setup This button lets you load an instrument s etting file to configure the instrument
settings. The instrument settings of AWG and Extended operation mode will
replace the contents of an instrument setting file. Do the fo llo w ing st eps to r estor e
the instrument output setup parame ters from a file:
1. Push SETUP (front)!Save/Restore (bottom)! Restore Setup (side).
The instrument displays the Select Setup File dialog box.
2. Use the general purpose knob to select the setup file name.
3. Push the Drive... side button to load a setup file from a drive other than the
current drive.
4. Push the OK side button to close the dialog box and load the setup file. The
instrument is set to the configuration s p ecified in the setup file.
NOTE. If you try to load a nonsetup file, you will get an error message.
CAUTION. Bus contentions or collisions may result if shared setup files exists on
multiple instruments using one GPIB or bus or one Ethernet subnet . GPIB addr ess
and IP addresses are saved and restored with a setup file.