The APPL Menu
3-152 AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
Jitter composerparameters
The following parameters are provided to be specified when you generate a jitter
Some parameters such as Clock and Jitter Fre quency , a re uniquely defined by other
parameters, and only displayed on the screen. You can not address these
parameters directly.
You can change any other parameter whenever it is displayed on the screen
regardless of selected bottom menu.
Table3-42: Jitter composer parameters
Parameters Descriptions
Repeat Count Specifies the repetition number of original waveform points that
makes up one period for jitter waveform.
Samples/Bit Specifies the number of points to be generated for each point of
the input data. The value is larger than 2 because the input data
needs rise time and fall time.
Data Rate [bps] Specifies the data rate for jitter waveform. This value is prior to
Samples/Bit, Rise Time, and Fall Time.
Clock [Samples/s] Display clock rate (display only). The clock rate is automatically
set by Data Rate × Samples/Bit.
Rise Time Specifies rise time of pulse (time between points of10% and 90%
level of amplitude). You can select 0(zero).
One restriction is applied to Rise Time parameter;
Rise Time + Fall Time 1/Data Rate×2×4/5.
Fall Time Specifies fall time of pulse (time between points of10% and 90%
level of amplitude). You can select 0(zero).
One restriction is applied to Fall Time parameter;
Rise Time + Fall Time 1/Data Rate×2×4/5.
Jitter Profile Specifies the deviation of each point for one period in the direction
of time base. Use Profile(bottom) ! Sine, Triangle (side) menu to
select among sine wave and triangle wave.
Jitter Deviation Specifies the deviation of jitter waveform. Suppose
10101010......repetitive pattern as an input data, and one 1,0 pair
as one period of pattern, this value represents the equivalent
deviation for one 1,0 pair.1
Jitter Frequency Display repeated frequency of jitter waveform. This value is
automatically set by Clock / Total Points.
Data Points Display the number of points for input data (display only).
Total Points Display the number of points for jitter waveform (display only).
This value is automatically set by Data Points ×Repeat Count ×
1Jitter deviation on peak-to-peak is ;
profile = sine : about 2.83 times of jitter deviation on rms.
profile = triangle : about 3.46 times of jitter deviation on r ms.