AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual Index-11
creating a sequence list, 2-70
creating and editing waveforms, 2-56
instrument setup, 2-51
loading and outputting waveforms, 2-53
quick editor functions, 2-63
using the equation editor, 2-67
Tutorial equipment and accessories, 2-49
UUndo! menu button, 3-91, 3-111
Undo, non-support
quick edit, 3-104
unit buttons on keypad, 2-13
Update Mode field, 3-84
Update of floppy disk file list, 3-226, B-10, B-63
Update OS Program, 3-179
Update System Software, 3-179
Update User Program, 3-179
Use Code Table field, 3-97
using external keyboard, 3-114
using the equation editor, tutorial, 2-67
UTIL window
floppy disk usage, 3-157
formatting a floppy disk, 3-157
general purpose knob direction, 3-156
instrument status, 3-158
keyboard keys, 3-156
keyboard setup, 3-155
overview, 3-155
UTIL window overview, 3-155
instrument status, 3-158
VVariables (pre-defined)
clock, 3-205
fname.clock, 3-205
pi, 3-205
point( ), 3-205
size, 3-205
time( ), 3-205
Variables (predefined)
fname.size, 3-205
VCO OUT, 3-41
VCO OUT output frequency tests
performance verification, B-48
Vertical Invert command, 3-65
Vertical menu button, 3-34, 3-38
Vertical Scale command, 3-64
Vertical Shift command, 3-63
Waveform Mixing, 3-244
View field, 3-83
View menu button, 3-37, 3-244
viewing a waveform, 2-37
voltage settings, 1-11
WWait Trigger field, 3-118, 3-123
waveform editor screen, 3-55
waveform editor screen elements, 3-56
Waveform Functions menu button, 3-111
waveform loading restrictions, 3-36
waveform memory, edit buffer, 2-36
Waveform Mixing
Change the mode, 3-242
Waveform Mixing menu button, 3-50
Waveform Mixing Mode, 3-241
waveform output, 2-39
Waveform programming language, 3-185
waveform sequences, tutorial, 2-70
Waveform to Pattern
File Conversion, 3-221
Waveform to text file
File Conversion, 3-221
Waveform to text file with marker
File Conversion, 3-221
waveform, view ing, 2-37
Waveform/Sequence menu button, 3-34, 3-35
samples in floppy disk, D-1
Wfm Len
Waveform Mixing, 3-245
Wfm Len menu button, 3-245
Window menu button, 3-82, 3-91
Window Operation
double windows, 3-230
write( ), 3-206
XXY View math function, 3-75, 3-80
ZZoom/Pan menu button, 3-81, 3-91