The UTILITY Window
3-174 AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
Do the following steps to execute the calibrati on:
1. Push the RUN button to turn the output off if a waveform is being output.
The RUN LED is off.
2. Push UTILITY (front–panel)!Diag (bottom)!Execute Calibration (side).
The internal calibration routine runs immediately and r equires up to 15 second s
to complete.
The status message box appears when calibration has been termin ated. Se e Figur e
Figure 3-60: Status message box (except option02)
Pass is displayed in the message box if the calibration successfully terminat es. Fail
is displayed if calibration encounters a problem.
Push the OK side button or CLEAR MENU button to erase the status message box
and return to the screen shown in Figure 3-59.
Power-on Diagnostics At power on, a limited set of hardware tests for all the te st categor ies are perfor med
and the results are displayed on the screen. The instrument displays the following
message when an error is detected:
Press any key to go to the SETUP menu screen.