
Index-8 AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual

code(), 3-191
conv( ), 3-191
copy( ), 3-192
corr( ), 3-192
cos( ), 3-200
cosh( ), 3-200
data( ), 3-193
delete( ), 3-194
diff( ), 3-194
exp( ), 3-200
expand( ), 3-195
extract( ), 3-195
floor( ), 3-200
fname.clock, 3-205
fname.size, 3-205
for/to, 3-196
hpf( ), 3-197
if/then/else, 3-198
int( ), 3-200
integ( ), 3-198
join( ), 3-199
log( ), 3-200
log10( ), 3-200
lpf( ), 3-199
math operators, 3-202
max( ), 3-200
min( ), 3-201
noise, 3-201
norm( ), 3-203
pi, 3-205
pn( ), 3-203
point( ), 3-205
pow( ), 3-201
rename( ), 3-204
rnd( ), 3-201
round( ), 3-201
saw( ), 3-201
sign( ), 3-201
sin( ), 3-201
sinc( ), 3-201
sinh( ), 3-201
size, 3-205
sqr( ), 3-201
sqrt( ), 3-201
srnd( ), 3-201
tan( ), 3-201
tanh( ), 3-201
time( ), 3-205
tri( ), 3-201
write( ), 3-206
Pulse isolated
disk, 3-135
network, 3-144
Pulse response tests
performance verification, B-31, B-85
disk application, 3-138
disk application, 3-138
Quick edit
controls, 3-101
exiting, 3-103
mechanism, 3-100
moving cursor, 3-104
renewing edit buffer, 3-104
screen display, 3-99
setting parameters, 3-103
smoothing, 3-101
start, 3-102
undo, non-support, 3-104
quick editor functions, tutorial, 2-63
quick view, 2-24
quitting an editor, 2-33
Ratio of A
Waveform Mixing, 3-245
Ratio of A menu button, 3-245
Ratio of B
Waveform Mixing, 3-245
Ratio of B menu button, 3-245
read only attribute, 2-20
Read Only file attribute, 3-229
Read/Write file attribute, 3-229
rear panel controls, 2-6
Record length adjustment
message, 3-231, 3-232
Record length adjustment message, 2-22
rename( ), 3-204
renaming files, 2-19
Renewing edit buffer
quick edit, 3-104
repackaging for shipment, 1- 16
Repeat Count
jitter composer application, 3-152
Repeat Count field, 3-118, 3-122
ReSampling math function, 3-74, 3-7 9
factory reset, 3-159
secure, 3-159
Restore Setup menu button, 3-49
restoring setup parameters, 2-40
Synchronous Operation, 3-250
Rise Time
jitter composer application, 3-152
Rise time tests (direct DA out)
performance verification, B-27, B-81
Rise time tests (direct DA out), (except option 02)
performance verification, B-23, B-77
rnd( ), 3-201
round( ), 3-201
Run Mode menu button, 3-34, 3-44